
If you would like a Wright Flood quote

Wright Flood insurance policies are sold by more than 17,000 independent agencies across the nation. To find a licensed Wright Flood agent near you, please call Flood Marketing at 1.866.373.5663.

If you need help with an existing Wright Flood policy

Please contact your Wright Flood insurance agency whose name and phone number are listed on the reverse of your Wright Flood declarations page. Your licensed Wright Flood insurance agent can assist you with questions and advise you best about changes to your existing flood insurance policy.

To reach the Wright Flood processing center directly

Toll Free: 1.800.820.3242
Fax: 1.800.850.3299
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By Mail: P.O. Box 33003, St. Petersburg, FL 33733-8003

If you are an existing Wright Flood agent

Policy related questions: online at or by phone to customer service at 1.800.820.3242 Marketing support: contact regional sales manager or flood marketing at 1.866.373.5663 or via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you would like to represent Wright Flood

Represent Wright Flood and join our nationwide, 17,000+ strong independent agency network. Complete the agency profile and let us know if you would like to quote flood insurance today or if you have a book of flood business to bring to Wright Flood. A field sales expert is ready to assist you to grow your flood business with Wright Flood.

Report a Claim
Your Wright Flood insurance agent can open a claim for you online. Reach them at the phone number shown on your policy.

Helpful Info at time of claim

To reach Wright Flood claims processing to open a claim by phone
Toll Free Phone 1.800.725.9472
Fax 1.877.270.4329
Address P.O. Box 33064, St Petersburg, FL 33733

Check status of a Claim
Please contact your insurance adjuster at the phone number given when the claim was opened.

To reach Wright Flood claims processing
Toll Free Phone 1.800.725.9472
Fax 1.877.270.4329
Address P.O. Box 33064, St Pete, FL 33733

Pay for your flood policy
Pay Online by credit card or by electronic funds transfer. Pay online
Pay by US Mail or by overnight delivery
Payment Address
P.O. Box 33003, St. Petersburg, FL 33733-8003
Overnight Payment Address
93 Park Place Boulevard, Ste 101, Clearwater, FL 33759

Provide feedback to Wright Flood
Email Wright Flood at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Please be sure to include your policy number, name, phone number and email address so we can get back in touch. Or contact Flood Marketing by phone at 1.866.373.5663.